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What this page is...

I have a small music composing business and still own/operate the domain with minimal changes, at this point. Since I've built my contacts in the music space and really do this for passion, rather than deleting the website, I use this as a place to showcase my website design capabilities (3 websites total), and to house my projects which are in the 'Software Development Projects' tab. Feel free to jump right there instead of looking at the composer website!


Other website links:

-My Real Estate Website when I worked for LIV Sotheby's International Real Estate

-My alternate real estate website prior to LIV Sotheby's 



Prismatic Wolf Productions

Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! Dang! The year has flown by and I am on my way to my second classical CD release. After tediously redoing some of my old songs and coming up with several new songs, I am now up to 9 original, full-length piano songs, and 5 symphonic neoclassical songs. It's been a long time since I've added new videos, but I promise I will soon. The recordings are not top-notch yet, and I'm working with live musicians to get the perfect sound that I need. Watch out for my Kickstarter campaign coming up soon!!

April 2020

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Prismatic Wolf Productions

Prismatic Wolf Productions

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Prismatic Wolf Productions © 2015 by Derek Chisholm.

Civil cover is Â© 2012 by Derek Chisholm

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