Some of you already know me, some of you are here because you met me playing a sport, visiting an open house, working a networking event, or you simply received a slightly spam-y email from my auto-drip campaigns and the curiosity was just too much. For those that know me, you know what to expect
--- but maybe this blog will expand on that.
For those that don't know me, I hate to be boring. I would hate to just blend in to the background. I like people that are interesting. I like the things I invest my time in to be fun or profound, push philosophical boundaries or showcase the beauty of nature. I am guilty of always speaking my mind no matter how unpopular it makes me.
I am a real estate agent: not because I'm a great salesperson (I am, however), but because I'm a great connector and adviser. I got into real estate out of a passion for financial freedom, but I stay in it because of the people I meet and the way I meet them. The most important facet of getting to know me, whether professionally or personally, is to be authentic. Part of that means being willing to share things out loud and so that leads me here:
This is my blog, period. See the world the way I do.
We all see life through some kind of lens. You filter out background noise to focus on the important sounds. You do the things that give you affirmation that you're alive. This blog is my personal lens.
I am an entertainer at heart: pianist, singer, guitarist, writer, improv comedian, and actor. I play sports: golf, volleyball, ski, swim, triathlon, bowling, tennis, squash, road bike, and hike. I believe in being an intellectual: philosophy, sarcasm, astronomy, morality, society, and challenge the unknown. There will be plenty of topics to talk about...
Welcome to my blog. Read on and see how you like life through my lens.
-Derek Chisholm